Tuesday 31 May 2011

Afghan Detainees

This Afghan Detainee thing is disgusting. I can't believe Canadians concern themselves with whether they might have been tortured. It's revolting. Who cares if a bunch of murderers and scumbags got tortured? Even if they were "innocent" farmers, they probably knew some of the murderers and scumbags so fair game. And it's not like the Afghan security forces torture people anyway. I hear they just sit around and drink tea. Did I mention it's disgusting that Canadians care about torture? Quite revolting. What is this country coming to?

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Stopwar, Code Pink and all those assorted fascists

These guys make me sick. All they do is criticize those who are busy helping make Afghanistan into a better place by bombing it into a state of freedom and women's rights. If they are not in favor of bombing, then they must be in favor of the Taliban. They tend to be critical of Israel as well, and since Israel is a Democracy, what the hell are they thinking? These peace movements are all jack-booted, black-shirt-wearing fascists, every man, woman and child of them. Even the grannies.

Monday 28 February 2011

Bev Oda, Kairos and Rights and Democracy

Well, it may be true that Harper stacked the board of Rights and Democracy with assorted pro-Israel individuals and tripped up Bev Oda by clumsily defunding Kairos so that Jason Kenney could crow about it in Jerusalem. But any suggestion that these actions have anything to to with currying favor with the pro-Israel vote is just another anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. It's Madness! Pure Madness!

George Galloway

George Galloway is also my enemy. There's a photo somewhere of him shaking hands with Saddam Hussein so therefore he is a fascist and we don't have to listen to anything he has to say. It's way worse than when Donald Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam Hussein, because Rumsfeld has cool things to say about unknown known unknowns. Did I get that right? And Galloway's against Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands, but Israel is a Democracy! Is there no end to this man's foolishness? Although I must admit I do secretly wish I had Galloway's Gift of the Gab. I mean, look at the man talk! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=249JaIaubVw Phew!


I don't like Julian Assange. He's my enemy. He released a huge dump of documents without properly vetting them, and there is some small chance that this might cause some collateral damage to informants or other people working against the Taliban. This sort of collateral damage is much worse than the collateral damage that occurs when we drop high explosives on wedding parties or villages in the hope that there might be some Taliban somewhere in the blast radius, because after all at least the villagers get a free fireworks display. Afghanistan is a poor country and the government can't afford fireworks. Anyway, it's possible that Assange may have caused some non-fireworks-ameliorated collateral damage so he is Guilty and he must Pay!

Israel..ain't it great?

Israel's great, isn't it? It is the only democracy in the Middle East, and it works hard to keep things that way.

Hamas was also democratically elected, but that doesn't count since it's a Death Cult. A bit of a cross between Charles Manson and Japanese kamikaze pilots from WW2. "Death Cult". It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?

I suppose the occupation and annexation of Palestinian lands is a bit unfortunate, but I don't like to talk about that too much since the National Post pays my bills these days. And let's not forget that Israel is a Democracy! The only one in the Middle East. That's the main thing.

I'm not too fond of people who criticize Israel. After all, Israel is a Democracy, and one should never criticize Democracies. In fact, criticizing Israel is pretty suspect. I wouldn't go so far as to say that people who criticize Israel are motivated by anti-Semitism, but really, what else could motivate them? Israel is a Democracy after all. Why the heck do they care about Israel so much? Iran is much worse. If they don't spend twice as much time criticizing Iran as they do criticizing Israel, then there's definitely something suspect about their motivations.